Banjsko klimatski centri Srbije

Republika Srbija ZDRAVSTVENI SAVET Zdravstveni savet Republike Srbije je na svojoj sednici održanoj 14. decembra 2010. godine usvojio Predlog Radnog tela Zdravstvenog saveta za procenu stanja u banjsko klimatskim centrima Srbije. ZAKLjUČCI Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije posle diskusije o proceni stanja u banjsko klimatskim centrima Srbije.   Ovaj predlog rezultat je višemesečnog rada i analize relevantnih

List of university hospitals

List of university hospitals A university hospital is an institution which combines the services of a hospital with the education of medical students and with medical research. These hospitals are typically affiliated with a medical school oruniversity. The following is a list of such hospitals. Argentina[] Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”of the University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Hospital Universitario Australof the Austral University, Buenos Aires Australia[] See

Flexner Report

Flexner Report The Flexner Report[1] is a book-length study of medical education in the United States and Canada, written by Abraham Flexner and published in 1910 under the aegis of the Carnegie Foundation. Many aspects of the present-day American medical profession stem from the Flexner Report and its aftermath. The Report (also called Carnegie Foundation Bulletin Number Four) called on American medical schools to enact

Centar za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju

Telefoni: +381 11 36 36 363, 36 36 364 Faks: +381 11 36 36 365 Centar za kontinuiranu medicinsku za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju : Prof. dr Vesna Bjegović – MikanovićSekretar centra: Ružica Nikolić, master javnog zdravlja, dipl. menadžer za poslovne komunikacije, ing. informatikeStručni saradnik: Tatjana Valgoni, dipl. andragogCentar za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju Medicinskog fakulteta osnovan je 2003. godine.Kontinuirana medicinska

List of medical schools in the United States

List of medical schools in the United States This list of medical schools in the United States includes major academic institutions that award either the Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degrees, either of which is required to become a physician or a surgeon in the United States. MD-granting medical schools are accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, while DO-granting medical schools are accredited by

Medical education

Medical education Medical education is education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner; either the initial training to become a physician (i.e., medical school and internship), additional training thereafter (e.g., residency and fellowship). Medical education and training varies considerably across the world. Various teaching methodologies have been utilised in medical education, which is an active area of educational research.[1]    

List of medical schools in Europe

List of medical schools in Europe   Armenia Yerevan State Medical University Yerevan Haybusak University Albania University of Medicine, Tirana– Faculty of Medicine Universiteti i Mjekesise Tirane– Fakulteti i Mjekesise WORLDWIDE University– Faculty of Medicine (Online Courses) Universiteti Kristal– Fakulteti Mjeksise Austria Medical University of Graz Innsbruck Medical University Medical University of Vienna Paracelsus Private

Modern Medicine: Towards Prevention

Modern Medicine: Towards Prevention, Cure, Well-being and Longevity Abstract Modern medicine has done much in the fields of infectious diseases and emergencies to aid cure. In most other fields, it is mostly control that it aims for, which is another name for palliation. Pharmacology, psychopharmacology included, is mostly directed towards such control and palliation too.

Prirodni priraštaj

Republika Srbija ZDRAVSTVENI  SAVET Zdravstveni savet Republike Srbije je na svojoj sednici održanoj 11. oktobra 2012. godine usvojio Zaključke o korupciji u zdravstvu. ZAKLjUČCI Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije posle diskusije o korupciji u zdravstvu Zdravstvo u Srbiji je danas u vrlo nezavidnom položaju. “Živimo i radimo u vremenu koje nama, zdravstvenim radnicima nije naklonjeno”. U okviru

Korupcija u zdravstvu

Republika Srbija ZDRAVSTVENI  SAVET Zdravstveni savet Republike Srbije je na svojoj sednici održanoj 11. oktobra 2012. godine usvojio Zaključke o korupciji u zdravstvu. ZAKLjUČCI Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije posle diskusije o korupciji u zdravstvu Zdravstvo u Srbiji je danas u vrlo nezavidnom položaju. “Živimo i radimo u vremenu koje nama, zdravstvenim radnicima nije naklonjeno”. U okviru